Monday, June 11, 2007


In my first two weeks in Europe, it's been a little like a dream. Only my bank account and lack of sleep have grounded me in reality; aside from that, it's been seeing remarkable sights as if in a dream, having little responsibility aside from my own (and Kara's) well being, following whims, and expressing my artistic tendencies.

So it struck me as out of place when, two nights ago, my program director announced at dinner that he'd rather not have us venture into the city due to the increasingly rowdy protests about President Bush's visit to Rome this week. It made me realize, that, despite my freewheeling adventures, the world and all of its problems are still going strong. This was no revelation, but a thought worth sharing in my mind.

I promise to have recounts of my visits to Munich, Tolz, Venice, Florence, Naples, and Rome soon...internet has been scarce and very, very expensive to use, so I haven't had time to write the tales in the fashion that I would like. Once we arrive in Cortona on Wednesday, however, I will have free internet to give my travels the time they deserve.

I hope everybody back home is doing well. I miss you guys.

Peace (please),


1 comment:

Lisa D. said...

Hey Micah! Sounds like you have had an awesome time so far! Sorry the reality of life going on without you has snuck back in in a very "American" way (i.e. rowdy protests of Bush). I look forward to hearing more about your trips and seeing pictures! Love you bunches!
PS Got a new tube at the lake and Emily's reign of "never falling off the tube" ended abruptly with mom at the wheel! hahahaha