Thursday, July 26, 2007

Home Stretch

Well, the end is in sight...and it's getting clearer by the moment. I have class tomorrow, Monday, and Tuesday, and that's it for the academic part. I haven't posted this week due to the amount of work I've been slaving over, but I think I've crested the hill. Our final photo portfolio is due on Tuesday, and my final landscape project is due the following morning. I've nearly completed my photo stuff, and hopefully the last design project won't be too much of a headache.

Then it will be off to Venice for a personal vacation to end to my time in Italy; I figured it would be fitting to spend my last two days here exploring the same city that introduced me to this wonderful country. Plus, now that I'm armed with a novice level of black and white skills, I might be able to pull out a few worthwhile photos upon my return. That would make me happy.

Sorry for the lack of introspect/exciting tales. Not enough sleep mixed with an exhaustion of my artistic skills for the time being make for a rather monotonous post. Also, please keep another one of my friends from here, Beth Robinson, in your prayers. She just got word this morning that her brother (only 25 years old) passed away, and she is already on a flight home. I've seen so much heartbreak this trip...I guess it just goes to show how much we need to cherish every day and live life to the fullest.



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